The Art Of War 2015
Incorporating all new writers and artists, The Art of War Project once again involved the writings of military men and women and their families about their experiences of war, which in turn provided the inspiration for local visual artists, who made works in response to their words. Co-hosted by Mil-Tree and Radio Free Joshua Tree the opening was held at the Beatnik Lounge on Saturday May 26, 2015 presenting the work and featuring live readings and performances by contributors. Artist Jacobine Van Der Meer curated this show, and Mil-Tree founding member, Paula Jeane produced it. Writers and artists participating this year were: Dale Fredenburg, Shelly Swift, Terre Fallon, Coco Hall, Paul Lopez, Fredrick Fulmer, Kay Meads, Claudia Bucher, Daryl Berlie, David Butterfield, Leilani Squire, Steven Rieman, Kenneth Klemm, Moira Fain, Jen Housholder, Melissa Spurr, William Galloway, Vicky Mynes, Tobias Crabree, Kelly Witmer, Robert Caudall, Francene Kaplan, Dennis Teeters, William Almas, Hugh Martin, and Danielle Giudici Wallis.